About Us

Our founder Hannah tells the story...

We believe women should have a wardrobe full of favourite pieces designed just for them. Our products deliver style in luxurious everyday comfort for ladies living modern town and country lifestyles.

"In 2018, I visited The Game Fair and was struck by the many stands offering clothing for women. Nothing special about that, I hear you say. More specifically, I was struck by what the stands weren't offering - pretty, feminine clothing designed specifically for women living the country lifestyle.

Almost without exception, every item sold for women was an altered version of a man's clothing item, and I came away determined to solve this problem, as I felt I couldn't be the only girl wanting something more feminine.

By 2020, The Finer Horse (King & Carr’s previous incarnation) was doing well and had expansion plans, but the seemingly never-ending period of lockdowns turned all of this upside down. After a lot of thought it became obvious I couldn't keep things going, so in June 2021, The Finer Horse had to close.

Fast forward to 2023, and the internal voice urging me to give the business another chance wouldn't go away, so I decided to be brave and take the plunge again, with a new name and branding to herald a new beginning.

After much thought, I decided to take inspiration from my heritage and use two family names, King and Carr, to signify a new fresh start for the brand."

Our 'why' hasn't changed...

We will continue to bring our wonderful customers wardrobe essentials that you'll find yourself reaching for again and again, as well as accessories that will combine King & Carr's ethos of being both beautiful and practical, and all made in the UK by skilled craftsmen who are fairly treated and fairly paid for their expertise."

We hope you'll want to be a part of our story too and will find your own wardrobe favourites in our collections!

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